Our Sister Parish in Guatemala
Fr. Tom Hemm, along with several parishioners, visited our sister parish to sign the
covenant in 2001.
2001 Trip
A second trip was made to Los Vados in July 2002. The group of parishioners included:
Fr. Tom Hemm, Ruthie Hemrick, Pat Kaple, Andrea Klass, Gillian Klass, Cathy Klass, and Taryn Ruhe.
2002 Trip
2005 Trip
In April of 2005 a group of six parishioners (Jeff & Brenda Alt, Dan & Deb Velasquez, Cathy & Norm Klass) visited Los Vados to join in the celebration of water in the homes.
Presentation of the Progress made
2006 Trip
July 17-24, 2006
Adults: Patricia Kaple, Fr. Tim Knepper, Chris Kuhlman, Teresa Lanwehr, Dan Velasquez
Youth: Addie Kaple, Jacqueline Kruse, Dana Lanwehr, Renee Schroeder, Britany Selhorst
June 21-28, 2011 a group of eight parishioners visited San Rafael, Los Vados to see all the improvements they've been able to make at their parish.
Those traveling were: Sherri Ford, Addie Kaple, Tim & Phyllis Macke, Vicki & Kazee Otto, Vickie Pendergast, Dan Velasquez
Sts. Peter & Paul (SPPP) had been working with the Society of the Precious Blood Mission Coordinator, Fr. Bill Nordenbrock, to find a sister parish in Guatemala. Pastoral Council formally approved the CPPS Parish Twinning Program in February 2001.
The Precious Blood Society sponsors twinning programs to:
We have formed a Sister Parish Committee which is responsible for: